
Introduction to TekMonitor Views | TekManager

TOPICS: Products and Software Information, TekManager


TekMonitor Views allow users to map TekMonitor Data to specific headers, and display that data in the TekMonitor View window of TekManager. Users can choose both what data is displayed, and how it is displayed. All data must be mapped correctly for every TekMonitor in a project to ensure it displays correctly.

Switching Views

To switch which view is shown in the TekMonitor View section, click “View” in the menu bar, then select “TekMonitor View.” A list of all the views saved for the current project file will open. To select a view, left-click on it, then click “Ok” at the bottom of the window.

Populating Blank Fields

When fields are blank next to a TekMonitor in the TekMonitor View section, information must be mapped to those fields before it will display. Click “Tools” in the menu bar, then “TekMonitor View”, then “Editor”. The TekMonitor View section displays view information for the selected TekMonitor (the selected TekMonitor can be changed using the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the window).

To map TekMonitor data to a specific field in the TekMonitor View, identify the correct information from the list on the left, then drag it to the corresponding field on the right (e.g. for the “Dev. Connected” field, find the “[Device Name] Device Connected” TekMonitor data, and drag it to the TekMonitor Data cell for “Dev. Connected”).

Other Examples

Dev. Power” uses the “[Device Name] Power” TekMonitor Data
Source” uses the “[Device Name] Input Select” TekMonitor Data
Sys. Power” uses the “Host System Power” TekMonitor Data
Device Theft” uses the “Dev. Theft Status” TekMonitor Data (usually found after the main serial device in the TekMonitor Data list)
Lamp Hours” is only used for bulb-based projectors
Maint. Hours” uses the “[Device Name] Remaining Maintenance Hours” TekMonitor Data

Once all fields have TekMonitor Data mapped to them, press “Apply” to show the changes in the TekMonitor View window. Information will only be added for the currently-selected TekMonitor.

To apply changes to multiple TekMonitors, re-open the TekMonitor View Editor window and click “Apply Map To..”. Select all the TekMonitors to which you would like to apply this data map, then click “Ok”. Note: Not all views will work correctly, depending on the kinds of devices connected to each TekMonitor. For TekMonitors that are using a different kind of device (i.e. projector vs. flat-screen display), or a device from a different manufacturer, it is best to configure their TekMonitor views separately, and only apply changes to similar rooms/TekMonitors.

Adding Columns to a TekMonitor View

In the TekMonitor View Editor, click the green “Add Column(s)” button on the right side of the window to open a list of columns that are currently set up. To add a column (e.g. the IP address of the TekMonitor) check the box to the left of the desired field(s), then click “Ok”. The new column(s) will be added to the bottom of the list in the Editor window. To re-order the view columns, select an item to move, then click the “Move View Column Up/Down” arrow buttons on the right side of the window to move the column up or down in the order. Click “Apply” and the column will be added to the TekMonitor View.

Other Options

New: Creates a new TekMonitor View. To create the view, assign it a name in the “View Name” field, then select which views to include by checking the boxes next to each desired field in the list.
Edit: Add or remove columns from the currently-selected TekMonitor View
Clone: Creates a copy of the currently-selected TekMonitor View. This creates a new view with all the same columns as the current view
Delete: Deletes the currently-selected TekMonitor View
Copy and Paste: Similar to Clone, copies an entire View’s fields, then pastes them onto another view, overwriting the fields that were already in the second view
Set Default Map: Takes all the TekMonitor Data in the current view, and makes it the default values for when new TekMonitors get added to a project. Minimizes the amount of setup needed for new TekMonitors/rooms.
Apply Default: Applies the default values to the currently-selected TekMonitor
Save in TekMonitor: Saves the current configuration of TekMonitor Data to the TekMonitor
Get Map: Loads a TekMonitor data configuration that was previously saved, and applies it to the current TekMonitor View
Remove Column from View: Select a column to remove, then click the red X on the right side of the window
Clear Mapping: Select a column in the current TekMonitor View, then click the red Slash “/” on the right to remove the TekMonitor Data currently mapped to that column
New data can be mapped to a column even if it already has data mapped to it; the new TekMonitor Data will overwrite what was already mapped to that column.

Adding New TekMonitor Data Columns

The Column Master windows can be opened in multiple different ways:

  1. In the TekMonitor View Editor, click “Edit” or “Add”, then click “Column Master in the window that opens
  2. Click “Tools” in the menu bar, then “TekMonitor View”, then “Master Column List”.

This list contains all of the columns that can be added to a TekMonitor View. To add a new column, scroll down to the bottom of the list and click below the last item. A table row will be created with “(null)” in every field. To complete the column, assign:

  • Column Name: The column’s designation when it appears in the TekMonitor View Editor or the Column List
  • Column Heading Name: How the column appears when in the TekMonitor View window
  • Column Type: The column’s style when it is appears in the TekMonitor View window (how the data is represented)
  • Column Width: How wide (in pixels) the column is when it appears in the TekMonitor View window

To incorporate the new column into a TekMonitor View, add the column to a View in the Editor window, then drag the corresponding TekMonitor Data to its field in the TekMonitor View.